Fun Games to Play With Your Dog

Dogs are men’s best friends, and how else should we treat our best buddies? Of course, by allowing them to have as much fun as possible! Playing games with your best buddy will keep them occupied, active, and out of mischief. Most importantly, it’s an absolute blast for both you and your dog.

Are you looking for an excellent method to entertain your dog? Try incorporating these entertaining games into your dog’s daily routine.

Tug of War

Tug is a terrific way for dogs to develop their manners while having fun. It’s also an excellent way for them to get some exercise. Giving your dog a tug toy can be one of the most exciting rewards you can provide them if you’ve spent a lot of time teaching them.

When playing tug, remember this simple rule: if your dog’s fangs come into contact with your skin, the game is over. Because tug gets some dogs (puppies) fired up, certain dogs (puppies) may have more difficulty with this than others. When their lips brush against your hand, they’ll notice that the enjoyable game ends when they mouth their person.

Playing tug with your canine will not make him aggressive, nor will allowing him to win make him dominating, contrary to popular perception. Allowing your dog to win adds to the excitement of the game and teaches your dog that you’re a lot of fun to play with.

dog running, road, trees


You probably enjoyed this game as a kid, so why not play it with your dog? Your dog must understand basic instructions such as staying, sitting, and coming for this game to succeed.

Take them inside a room and invite them to remain, then leave and go somewhere else. Call their name when you’ve located the ideal hiding spot to entice them to find you. Once they’ve figured out where you are, celebrate your significant achievement.


Frisbee is an advanced version of fetch since it encourages your dog to pursue after the ball over vast distances. A game of frisbee is a terrific exercise for dogs with a natural desire to chase, and it’s a lot of fun for them.

You can start with a soft disc if your dog doesn’t know how to catch a frisbee. Standard plastic frisbees are rather rough, so if one hits your dog in its face, it may deter him from attempting to catch it. 

To get your dog interested in the frisbee, practice tossing it short distances or rolling it on the ground. When they begin to chase it and follow it around, encourage them. Extend the length and start tossing it after your dog is excited to pursue it.

Obstacle Course

This one is simple since you can utilize everyday household items to create a course as introductory or as complex as you like. You may use chairs to enable it to maneuver through, broken-down boxes to allow your canine to crawl through, and even books to allow them to jump over.

You may make a simple DIY dog jump out of household objects, or you can make your obstacle and training course out of poles and cones.

Chasing Bubbles

Teaching your dog to chase bubbles is one of the most entertaining games you can play with them. Begin by blowing a few bubbles at a time if your dog doesn’t know how to chase them. Encourage them to go after them by pointing them out. 

Catch several yourself to demonstrate to your dog that there’s no need to be concerned and that the game’s goal is to catch them before they fall to the ground.

You can use children’s bubbles (they also produce flavored ones specifically for dogs). They’re not harmful, but if they overeat them, it can irritate their stomach. Also, make sure to wipe your dog’s face clean afterward because they can irritate their eyes.

dog, red ball, patch of grass

Cardio Twist

As they’re known in agility, weave poles are a training exercise you can play with your animal whether or not you’re practicing for a competition ring. You can make “poles” out of household items like chairs or family members or relatives and teach your dog to weave between them while heeling alongside you.

You can vary your speed from rapid to slow to urge your dog to focus on trailing you as you switch directions. This is a fantastic method to improve coordination while also getting excellent aerobic exercise – for you and your buddy.

Find the Treats

To begin playing, find the treats, place some treats on the floor while your pet is in the stay stance. Give your dog the command to ‘find the treats,’ and motivate them to do so. If they’re having trouble, point to them and assist them. Praising them every time they find one will help them along the path.

You can gradually raise the complexity of where you’re hiding the rewards after your dog gets what “find the treats” means. After you’ve had enough practice in one area, you can move on to hiding treats all over the house.