Love Murder Mystery Games? Here’s How to Throw a Killer Party

If you are throwing a party, the first step is to gather all the necessary ingredients. This includes props, costumes, and more. You can find these items at garage sales or thrift stores. The next step is to plan the party. You can do this by following the rules for hosting a normal party.

Murder mystery parties are fun for people of all ages and backgrounds. The fun and excitement of the party will be enhanced if everyone takes part. A DIY Murder Mystery Party ( will give the participants an opportunity to bond with each other by sharing a common goal. You can also make up a murder mystery yourself if you’re a theatrically minded individual.

Choosing a character

Selecting a character is an important part of planning a party. While everyone at a party may not know each other’s names, you should make your character names as memorable as possible. For example, instead of Uncle John Robinson, you might have Uncle Robin Johnson. Similarly, instead of Taylor Swift, you could choose Sailor Twift.

You need to find a character that is easily connected with the various characters and has a reason for knowing the victim. Otherwise, the murder story will become dull. One of the most enjoyable aspects of a party is the role-playing involved in choosing a character.

You should try to contact your extroverted friends first so that they can act as the characters. It is also best to choose people who are not embarrassed to exaggerate their character’s personality. A party requires guests to work together to solve the mystery. Although only one of the guests is the murderer, they must find clues to solve the case.

The key is to decide early on who will be your allies and who will hinder you. Luckily, there are many ways to select a character for a party. After you have decided on a party theme, the next step is choosing characters. Characters should come from various backgrounds and fantasy worlds. Also, the theme should be based on the group’s interests.

For example, if the majority of the guests are Harry Potter fans, then you may want to choose a Wizarding-themed murder mystery party. Likewise, if the majority of the guests love Halloween and horror movies, you could select monster-themed characters. Whatever character you choose, the murder mystery party should revolve around the theme.

You can choose to have your murder mystery party in PJs or costume. If your guests do not want to dress up, you can also use props and costumes to set the mood. Depending on how many guests you plan on having, you can choose to serve a variety of food. A party can be a fun way to entertain guests while they play an interactive game.

Creating an atmosphere


To create an atmosphere for a party, you need to have the right props, music, and decorations. You should also consider the location of the party. Murder mystery games like these are usually played in people’s homes. However, it’s possible to host a party in a public venue.

A party like this has many benefits. It’s fun to play a character and everyone can contribute to the atmosphere. Finger food is a good option for a party because it’s easy to prepare and guests can help themselves. Guests will be thirsty during the party, so it’s important to provide plenty of water.

When planning a party, it’s important to keep in mind that everyone’s enthusiasm will determine the party’s success. Having a group of enthusiastic participants will make for an even more fun and exciting evening. Start by reaching out to your most outgoing friends

Another great way to set the mood for a party is to use candles. If you’re not sure about purchasing new candles, you can find a cheap option at a dollar store. It’s also possible to find inexpensive party decorations at secondhand stores or even through your Facebook page.

Once the games have started, the host should facilitate the game and ensure that everyone is talking to each other. A central gathering area will be helpful for this. Guests should be able to discuss the clues and come up with their own ideas. The host should also have a central place where everyone can gather.

The props you need are not just any old props. Make sure to choose some that are suitable for a party. Having a prop for a party can help set the mood. You can also bring props for the game, but be sure to check with the host first. Also, remember not to use props as weapons. If your guests do, they might not realize they are playing a game.


Costuming a party is an excellent way to create a sense of intrigue at your party. The main ingredients for an excellent costumed evening are a good imagination and some physical items. The best costumes are those that have attention to detail and sell the illusion. Many websites offer cheap and easy costume ideas, too.

To make costuming a party easier for you, consider purchasing a party package. This will allow you to get a range of options to fit into any theme. When choosing the package for your party, remember to check the invitation to make sure it specifies the theme. If you’re not sure, ask the host for ideas.

The murder mystery entertainer will provide characters and scripts for the guests to use. This way, they can get into character and have fun at the party. Alternatively, the party host can provide supplies like murder mystery games and kits, magnifying glasses, notebooks, and pens. They can also provide the guests with character sheets.

Once you have chosen the theme and the guest list, the next step is to choose the party venue. While most parties can be hosted at home, you can also rent a space. In many cases, you can hold the party in a library or a cocktail bar. A theater or mansion can also serve as a great venue.


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